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Game Guide: Flashback
Table of Contents

1 Access Codes

2 Gamepath:

Level 1 - The Jungle
1. Looking for the cartridge
2. The wounded man
3. The search for the teleporter
4. Gathering credits
5. The old man

Level 2 - New Washington
1. Your old friend Ian
2. Getting a work permit
3. Mission 1: The parcel service
4. Mission 2: VIP-protection
5. Mission 3: Cyborg elimination
6. Mission 4: Generator repair
7. Mission 5: Zone cleaning

Level 3 - The Death Tower
1. Level 8 - 5
2. Level 4 - 1

Level 4 - A Journey to Earth
1. Up to the taxi station
2. The Paradise Club
3. The cargo bay

Level 5 - Escape from Prison
1. Re-arming yourself
2. The search for the telereceiver and -control
3. Looking for the transporter

Level 6 - The Alien Planet

Level 7 - Destroying the Brains
1. Destroying the auxiliary brain
2. Destroying the master brain
3. Blow up that planet

3. Appendix 1: Howard's Diary

4. Appendix 2: Key Objects and Personalities List

1 Access Codes



Note: Flashback offers 3 difficulty levels: easy, medium and difficult. This gamepath describes the easy level. In the medium and difficult levels, you just face more enemies.

2.1 Level 1: The Jungle

2.1.1 Looking for the cartridge

Drop off the first three ledges into the screen below you. On one of the ledges on the left you find a holocube. Read the cube. You receive the message to contact your old friend Ian in New-Washington. Move up one ledge, run to the right and jump the gap. To kill the first guard, who is situated on the ledge below you, draw your gun, drop down and shoot.

Drop onto the next screen, walk left and pick up the stone. Position yourself behind the green “wall”, climb upon the ledge on the next screen and take the credits (10 credits). Return to the screen below you and continue.

To kill the second guard, you should drop onto the same ledge. The guard is now on your left, but the door is still blocking his shots. Jump onto the ledge on your right. The door opens. Draw your gun, turn around and gun him down. Pick up the empty cartridge the guard dropped.

Now you should find an energy generator to load your cartridge. Go down the hole to the bottom right, move to the bottom of the next screen and kill the guard. Then walk to the right. Climb upon the little platform above the deadly green haze and continue. Jump the first electricity charge in the ground. You activate the sensor, so that the elevator moves down one level and stops right above your head. Climb onto the elevator and go towards the energy generator on the right. Insert the cartridge into the energy generator, so that it is charged. Next recharge your shield.

2.1.2 The wounded man

Go to the top of the screen, draw your gun, kneel, roll into the next screen and gun down the guard. Climb upon the ledge.

Now activate the sensors in the indicated order to move the elevators. First position yourself on the bottom right sensor. The lift moves from ledge 2 to ledge 3. Then jump over the gap on your left and over the next sensor and climb upon the ledge 2. Jump the left sensor and Activate the far right sensor. The elevator moves from ledge 3 to ledge 2. Walk back, jump the left sensor and climb onto the next ledge (you may also take the elevator). Continue, climb down and talk to the wounded man. Talk to him: “Help me, young man. I’ve been attacked by mutants and I can’t walk. Find my teleporter, I need urgent medical assistance.”

2.1.3 The search for the teleporter

Return to the screen on which you found the energy generator. Now journey to the left and insert the cartridge into the cartridge lock next to the gorge. Rays cover the gorge, so that you can continue. Avoid the electricity charges in the ground. The elevator carries you up. Move left.

The teleporter is located on the top left lift. Climb onto the first ledge to move down the lift with the teleporter. Face left and throw your stone. Otherwise, the elevator would move up again once you stept off the sensor. Climb upon the ledge, drop down, take the stone and take the teleporter. Pick up the stone you throw before and take the bottom elevator to the screen beneath you. Draw your gun, kneel and roll off the elevator down the left ledge. Save your game (Press button 1).

Now make a running jump towards the other side. Pull yourself up, jump over the electricity charges and continue to the right. Return to the wounded man and give him the teleporter. The man says: “Thanks, you just saved my life”, and disappears. Pick up the identity card. Move back to the saving device and save your game.

2.1.4 Gathering credits

Make again a running jump towards the other side and pull yourself up. Jump over the first electrical charge and lower yourself down the lift shaft. Lower yourself down to the level just above the 2 guards. Draw your gun, jump down, shoot the first guard, turn around and shoot the other. On the top left of the screen you find an energy generator. Recharge your shield.

Move to the right and activate the switch to turn off the deadly green haze. Jump over the sensor - otherwise the haze will reappear - and continue. Another guard is standing beneath you. Throw a stone (he should turn around to the right), draw your gun, drop down and shoot him. Pick up the credits (10) and the stone and walk into the next screen. Climb upon the first ledge and take the key, drop down and pick up the credits (50). Draw your gun, duck down, roll into the next screen and shoot the guard. On the right ledge of the screen you see an energy generator. 500 credits are situated on the ledge above the generator. Don’t touch the sensor next to the generator. How should you avoid the sensors? First climb upon the left ledge. Run to the right, jump onto the platform above and pull yourself up. Now jump to the ledge on the right and take the 500 credits. Leave the screen along the same way.

2.1.5 The old man

Move back to the saving device and save your game. Climb down and insert the ID card into the card lock to open the door. Walk through the door, lower yourself down, shoot the guard, walk to the left edge and lower yourself down again (don’t jump). Now you see two guards waiting below you. Move to the ledge above them and throw the stone. The stone will activate the laser gun, so that the guards will be killed. Draw your gun, drop down and roll into the next screen. Avoid the green fluid and continue. Talk to the old man. He says: “To get to New Washington, you have to jump into this hole, but if I were you, I’d use an anti-G belt.” You ask: “Where can I find one?” The old man answers: “Now, I can sell you one: 500 credits.” Buy the anti-gravity belt for 500 credits. A yellow arrow appears on your right. Move to the right and jump into the gap.

2.2 Level 2: New Washington

2.2.1 Your old friend Ian

Move to the right, lower yourself into the hole - you see an energy generator on the left - and move up the elevator. Jump onto the ledge, walk to the right, turn around, run and jump onto the left side ledge. Pull yourself up. Continue, climb upon the ledge above you, draw your gun, kneel and roll into the next screen. You see your friend Ian who’s accompanied by two policemen. Gun down the two policemen. Go back and recharge your shield. Return to Ian’s room and talk to him.

    Ian: “Thanks, Conrad. Those cops would‘ve had my hide. Well, I suppose you don’t remember your old pall Ian. Take a seat, we’ll fix that shortly.”

Ian walks toward the seat. Follow him and press button 1 when “seat” appears. Your memory is restored. You see how you discovered that aliens were mixed up with the population, how you were kidnapped, and how you managed to escape. Talk to Ian again.

    Conrad: “Ian, what do you have to do to get to Earth?”
    Ian: “The cost of the ticket is astronomical. The only way for you would be to take part in Cyber Tower”.
    Conrad: “Cyber Tower?”
    Ian: “Yes, it’s a television game. The winner gets a ticket.”
    Conrad: “O.K. Can you supply false papers?”
    Ian: “No problem. Go to the bar and ask for Jack. Say I sent you. Oh, by the way... I put the force field you asked me for in your pocket.”
    Conrad: “Great. Thank you, Ian. ‘Till the next time...”
    Ian: “Good luck. I’ll be in touch when you get to Earth.”

The door on the right opens. Continue.

2.2.2 Getting a work permit

Now walk into the screen on the right. Try the switch. It doesn’t work because the fuse is blown. Move to the ledge and jump down. You see a guard on the level below you. Draw your gun, jump down and shoot the guard. Pick up the fuse. Climb on the ledge, walk to the right, turn around, run and jump onto the ledge at the top left of the screen. Pull yourself up. Plug in the fuse and activate the switch to move down the elevator. Activate the second switch and continue. The elevator carries you up to the metro. Walk to the left and talk to the the man at the checkpoint to receive the map.

    Man: “Welcome to New Washington, young man. Here’s a map of the city which you may find useful.”

(Have a look at the map if you lose your bearings.) Activate the switch to open the door and to move up the elevator. The elevator carries you down. You enter Asia Station. Consult the map.

Move to the right of the platform and wait until the carriage arrives. Press button 1 to get in. Go to American station, pay a visit to the bar (move up and then go to the left) and ask the barman where Jack is hanging around.

    Conrad: “I’d like to speak to Jack.”
    Barman: “Oh yeah? Jack’s not here.”
    Conrad: “I’ve been sent by my friend Ian.”
    Barman: “O.K. Jack’s waiting for you outside.”

Now turn around and move to the right. Finally you meet Jack the forger.

    Jack: “I’m Jack. You’re after some false papers?”
    Conrad: “Yes, and as quickly as possible.”
    Jack: “1500 credits!”
    Conrad: “1500???”
    Jack: “Yeah, I’m taking a big risk here.”
    Conrad: “But I don’t have enough...”
    Jack: “Go to the Employment Office, you’ll find work there. And come back to me when you’ve got the money.”

Consult the map. The employment office (job centre) is situated in Europa Station. But first you must get a work permit.

Take the metro to Africa Station. Move upwards and talk to the personnel of the Administration Center. The elevator moves down once you talked with the first person. The elevator carries you up. Now consult the personnel behind window A, C and B. The door of the chief administrator’s office opens after you spoke with the person behind window C. The chief administrator exchanges your I.D. for a work permit.

2.2.3 Mission 1: The parcel service

Take the metro to Europa Station and walk to the employment agency. Note that you can save your game and recharge your shield on the bottom level of the work agency.

The first computer on the left lights up. Read the job description. Insert the work permit to validate your mission. Now move to Asia Station. The elevator carries you up. Walk to the right and take the package from the woman. Now move to Africa Station. Kill the cop you meet on top of the second elevator. Move to the right and deliver the package to the man of the travel agency. You receive 100 credits. Ask how much a ticket to Earth costs. The price is 50.000 credits.

2.2.4 Mission 2: VIP-protection

Return to the work agency at Europa Station. Save your game and recharge your shield. Insert the work permit to validate the mission offered on the 3rd mission screen.

Journey to Africa Station and enter restricted area 2. You meet a VIP, who should be guided to the research centre. Jump onto the elevator, move it up and wait until the VIP has reached the elevator, too. Move the elevator down and continue. Climb onto the first wall and activate the sensor to open the first gate. Then climb onto the ledge and lower yourself to open the second door. Return to the VIP and take him with you towards the elevator.

The elevator carries both of you down. Climb onto the ledge, drop down, kill the guard, pick up the key he has left and insert the key into te keylock to open the first door. Move into the next screen and move the second guard. Continue and gun down the two hovering bugs. First move onto the bottom left ledge, draw your gun and fire at high rate at some distance from the target. Then jump onto the bottom right ledge and climb onto the top ledge. Push button 1 and 2 while you are climbing, so that you draw your gun at once. Now kneel, roll to the left, turn around, stand up and fire. (You may also drop off the ledges until you reach the floor. Roll away until you are at some distance of your target, then stay up and gun it down). Then pick up the key that’s situated on the top ledge. Walk to the right and use the key (key lock) to open the second door. Look for the VIP, move to the left and take the elevator downwards. Continue to the left. The VIP takes leave and you are teleported back to the work agency. You earn 300 credits.

2.2.5 Mission 3: Cyborg Elimination

Recharge your shield and save your game. Accept the mission offered by computer number 4 (insert your work permit). You need to find and eliminate a cyborg that has escaped.

Visit the bar in America Station and talk to the leftmost visitor. He knows the guy and says he has a friend in the police, who’s on duty in restricted area 1. Go down and talk to the policeman outside restricted area 1. The policeman says that the cyborg wants to make a deal with you. He would be waiting behind the bar. Return to the bar. The visitor you met earlier has disappeared. Run into the left screen. Continue running - the visitor is standing on the left side of the room - until the screen flashes and an alien appears behind your back. Turn around at once and shoot it. Then talk to the visitor again.

    Visitor: “Don’t shoot. I’m not CY-B021.”, “His hideout’s down below.”, “His pal, the cop, has the key.”

Return to the policeman outside restricted area 1, kill him and pick up the key. Return to the room on the left of the bar and insert the key into the key lock to open the hatch in the floor. Go down the hatch and save your game. Move to the right and kill both replicants. The best way to kill them is to fire until they turn on their force shield and run past you. Then roll away, turn around and start firing again. Repeat this procedure until both enemies are permanently liquidated. After you have finished your job, you are automatically transported to the work agency. You earn 400 credits.

2.2.6 Mission 4: Generator Repair

Accept the mission described by computer 5. The generator which supplies the city is encountering serious problems. You should replace one of the boards on the main computer. You have 90 seconds before the installation is blown up. Insert your work permit to accept the mission. The big teletransporter below takes you to the heart of the complex.

Move to the right, go down, move to the left, go down and move to the right again until you reach a gap. Jump onto the ledge in the middle to move up the elevator. The elevator carries you down. Find the terminal and insert the terminal card in the slot in the centre of the machine. You are teleported back to the working agency. You earn 500 credits.

2.2.7 Mission 5: Zone Cleaning

Recharge your shield and save your game. In your last mission (described by computer number 6) you are ordered to kill all mutants in restricted area 3 at Europe Station before they attack the population. Insert your work permit and continue.

Enter restricted area 3 and save your game. Clean up this zone. Don’t forget to take the key that’s dropped by one of the enemies. You need it to insert it into the key lock later on. To open the hatch in the floor above you, you pick up the stone and throw it onto the sensor on the left. You can only land safely on the top left screen (the screen with the Win 10.000 credits affiche) by making a running jump. Climb to the top and activate the sensor to open the hatch in the floor of the next screen. Draw your gun and climb down. Squat down as soon as you reach the platform with the lasergun. Rollmto the right and use your gun in combination with your force field to kill the policeman. Take the key and roll back to the left. You fall through a gap in the floor. Kill the man who is lurking out there and continue. Get rid of the next policeman. When you approach the key lock, a fly comes towards the door. Open the door with your key and gun down the fly. You receive 500 credits and are teleported towards the employment agency.

When you leave the employment agency, the woman at the entrance says that Jack is waiting for you near the bar. Journey to America Station and then talk to Jack the forger on the right of the bar at America Station. Give him your credits. In exchange you receive the forged papers.

2.3 Level 3: The Death Tower

The levels are numbered from the bottom (level 8) to the top (level 1).

2.3.1 Level 8 - 5

Level 8: Move to the right, shoot the ghost and activate the switch. Avoid the bombs hanging beneath the platforn while you are on your way towards the elevator. The elevator door on the other side opens. Turn around and continue until you reach the open lift door. Reload your energy shields if you need to. Move up towards the elevator and move towards level 7.

Level 7: Climb onto the top ledge and activate the switch to open the trap door. Drop down and continue, killing all guards you meet. Eventually you face two hovering bugs. Jump down to the bottom of the screen and let them approach you. Then duck down, roll away, stand up at safe distance and gun them down. Jump onto the first ledge, continue to the left and save your position. Go up the elevator to level 6.

Level 6: Move to the right and activate the switch to open the lift door on your right. Return to the left screen. Jump onto the elevator, draw your gun, kneel and roll towards the green sensor. You should stop beneath the ledge. Stand up as soon as the laser gun has fired and jump onto the ledge before the gun fires again. Continue and jump the hidden trap door on the right of the energy generator. Recharge your shield. Beware of the trap doors above the mines. Take the elevator to level 5.

Level 5: Draw your gun, duck down and roll into the next screen. Kill the ghost guard. Climb onto the ledge but don’t touch the green sensor. Duck down, draw your gun and roll to the right. The trapdoor on top will open and block the shots of the laser gun. Climb onto the ledge and save your game. Now run to the left. You will find yourself hanging from a ledge on the right of the screen. Drop down, jump the mine on your left and climb onto the central ledge. Activate your force field to detonate any hidden mines. Leap onto the top left ledge and continue. Jump the mines and take the elevator.

2.3.2 Level 4 - 1

Level 4: Move to the right. You see a ghost guard walking around above you. Climb onto the ledge, activate the green sensor (the top left door opens), drop down and activate the switch to open the top right door. Wait until the guard has climbed down and shoot him. Climb onto the left ledge, run to the right and jump onto the right ledge. Kill the guard and recharge your shield. Note that the guard will attack again if he doesn’t disappear after he fell down. Recharge your shield. Activate the bottom sensor to open the door. Then activate the top sensor to open the trapdoor. Return to the bottom and make a running jump towards the right ledge. The lift carries you up to level 3.

Level 3: Kill all ghost guards and hovering bugs and save your game on the first ledge. Take the lift to level 2.

Level 2: Kill the first ghost guard who will automatically move down towards the bottom of the screen. Then activate the switch on the first ledge to set free the second ghost guard. Move back to the bottom of the screen to gun him down. Move towards the elevator.

Level 1: Only one ghost guard to kill but he’s an extremely tough guy. Duck, fire, roll away when he approaches, turn around, fire, and so on. Titan Travels awards you your first journey to earth. You get your papers.

2.4 Level 4: A Journey to Earth

2.4.1 Up to the taxi station

Give your papers to the man behind the desk. The gate opens. Open your inventory and select the force field. Walk past the first policeman, turn around, walk back and position yourself in front of him. Then open fire. Use alternatively your force field and gun. Move to the next screen. Another policeman will attack at once. Take the elevator down to continue.

In this screen you will encounter 2 enemies: a policeman and a hovering bug. Draw your gun while you’re on the elevator and kneel. Now the hovering bug can’t hit you. Gun down the guard (use your force field) and then destroy the hovering bug. Climb on the ledge on the right and continue. Load your shield.

Move to the right and kill all guards. Remember how to handle mixed enemy forces (Keep down, roll away, turn around, use your force shield in combination with your gun to get rid of policemen and replicants/ keep down, roll away, stand up and shoot to kill the hovering bugs). Return to the energy generator to reload. You end up at the taxi station. Call a taxi.

2.4.2 The Paradise Club

Save your game upon your arrival. Climb to the top ledge, run to the right and jump. You reach a ledge in the second screen. Pull yourself upon the ledge. Run to the right again and jump upon the roof of the Paradise-club. Pull yourself upon the ledge. Shoot out the window and enter the club.

Take the lift down and continue to the right. You see a replicant at the bottom of the screen. Activate the sensor to open the door and duck down. Shoot the ghost as soon as soon as he reaches the ledge. The replicant will fall down to the bottom of the screen, but won’t disappear. Roll back into the screen on your left and then roll to the right again. The replicant will climb onto the platform again. Open fire. Repeat this action until the ghost permanently disappears. Now run to the right and jump upon the lamp hanging in the centre. Draw your gun and destroy the glass on your left. Continue and pick up the key. Climb down and walk to the right. Kill the next ghost-guard. Continue.

Insert the key in the next key lock. Don’t continue, or you will die in the deadly green haze. Climb upon the left ledge. Run to the left and roll into the next screen to avoid lasergun fire. Take the left elevator. Draw your gun, duck down, roll into the next screen and destroy the robot. Then activate the switch to turn of the green haze. Return and use the right elevator. Recharge your energy shield. Return to the place where the green haze was located before. The elevator carries you down. Now save your game. Climb upon the suspended ledge. This move will open a secret passage. Take the elevator downwards. You reach the cargo bay.

2.4.3 The cargo bay

Climb upon the ledge and enter the first door on the right. You find yourself standing above a pit containing a lasergun, a small robot, a switch and a sensor. Jump into the pit, roll towards the right, activate the switch and climb out of the pit. The switch has deactivated the green haze at the bottom right of the screen.

Return to the last screen, move up, draw your gun and destroy the ghost-guard and the 2 hovering bugs. Avoid the mouse bomb. Take the key. Activate the switch at the top right to open the secret passage.

Return to the cargo bay and move to the right. Insert the key into the key lock to open the door. Recharge your shields. Take the elevator upwards. You remark 2 trapdoors, one situated above the other. Position yourself on the ledge left of the top trapdoor and roll to the right. You will fall through the top trapdoor but avoid the bottom one. Activate the switch. The green haze at the bottom left will disappear. Recharge and save your game.

Go down the gap where the haze used to be and activate the switch. The door in front of you will open. Jump across the gap, enter the door and take the key. Return, climb upon the level above you and move to the right. Insert the key into the key lock. Climb upon the ledges, walk to the left,return to the save point and save your game (if necessary, recharge your shields).

Enter the secret passage. Destroy the first hovering bug. How do you best proceed?. Walk towards the right side of the first screen, draw your gun and kneel. Roll into the second screen. Then immediately roll back twice, turn around, stand up and destroy the hovering bug that followed you from the second into the first screen. Avoid the mines and destroy the second hover bug, who’s located in the fourth screen. Finally roll through the doors that opened on the right into the gap. From the second screen on a green haze starts hunting you. Therefore move to the right as fast as possible. This is a quite difficult sequence. You reach the prison cell.

2.5 Level 5: Escape from Prison

2.5.1 Re-arming yourself

Upon reaching the cell on this level, you are attacked by a replicant. As you temporarily lost your gun, you should roll as fast as possible to the right as fast as possible. Jump down towards the bottom of the screen, move to the left, take your gun and kill your enemy. Pick up the key and save your game.

2.5.2 The search for the telereceiver and -control

Jump onto the ledge on the right. Activate the switch to open the door at the bottom right. Drop down and insert the key into the key lock to open the door. Climb up into the next screen.

You see a deadly haze on your right. Position yourself on the right of the first ledge as soon as the haze moves up. Wait until the haze comes back. Climb onto the top ledge as soon as the haze has passed and then run to the left. Drop into the gap and recharge your shield.

Move upon the ledge. Wait until the haze disappears, run towards the left and jump down. Immediately draw your gun and kill the ghost-guard. The door at the top opens. Collect the telereceiver and the tele-control. Wait till the haze disappears, then move up and walk to the right. Wait until the haze has passed again, move to the left and climb towards the top ledge. Run past the guard to the left. Then quickly draw your gun, turn and shoot him. Take the key and move to the right. Shoot the guard if he assaults you again. Recharge your shields. Move to the screen on the right. Beware of the haze.

2.5.3 Looking for the transporter

Throw the telereceiver past the haze and use the telecontrol to move to the next screen. Pick up the receiver again and insert the key into the key lock to open the door. Throw the telereceiver in the hole and teleport yourself again. Draw your gun and shoot the hovering bug that comes from the left. Pick up the tele-receiver. Walk to the left, jump down. Draw your gun, kneel and drop off the ledge. Activate the sensor to open the door. As soon as the door is opened the blue polymorph alien attacks. Wait until the alien approaches and stands up, roll through it, turn, shoot, roll again, etc. Repeat this procedure until the alien dies. Its dead will open the rightmost door.

Press the switch and walk to the right. Jump down the ledge and kill the next polymorph creature. Continue to the left and save.

Continue to the left. A haze comes towards you. Move back and position yourself next to the door. Follow the haze as it goes back. Jump the first gap and throw away the telereceiver. Move back to the door to avoid the haze. Now teleport yourself towards the receiver. Pick up the receiver. Climb onto the ledge and throw the telereceiver onto the floor on your left, teleport to it and position yourself below the blue teletransporter.

2.6 The Alien Planet

Note: Use the rolling and shooting technique to cope with the bunches of polymorph aliens you will face on this level.

Move to the right, kill both aliens and activate the switch to open the door on the left. Enter the door and take the elevator down. Draw your gun, jump down, duck to avoid the lasergun in face of the rock and roll into the gap on your right. Kill the alien and take the stone. Roll into the left screen and roll through the narrow passage. Throw the stone onto the left hand sensor, so that the door above you opens. Enter the door. Don’t climb onto the top platform.

You see a man behind a door standing on the same ledge as you. Activate the switch on top of the screen. The door on the left and a hatch open. Jump through the hatch. Use your gun to destroy the bottom left door and activate the switch. The alien appears, shoots the man and attacks. Kill the alien. Walk towards the dying man. You receive the atomic charge. Move to the left and take the diary. You read the message of Philip Howard Clark, the dying man who failed to destroy the planet. Take the elevator down and activate the switch to open the hatch. Go down the gap and recharge your shield. Move to the right, kill the alien and make a running jump towards the ledge. A trapdoor opens and an elevator moves up. Jump on the elevator, go down, kill both aliens and save your game. Move to the right and pick up the stone. Pass the top door. The top door will close and the bottom one will open, setting free the alien. Kill him and pick up the key he drops. Now walk to the green teletransporter on the right. You are transported to the ledge above you. Move back the way you came. Once you leave the elevator behind, you should walk to the right. Insert the key into the key lock to open the door.

2.7 Destroying the Brains

2.7.1 Destroying the auxiliary brain

Jump over the gap and save your game. Jump the gap again, turn around and run and jump onto the elevator. Move up and kill the alien. Climb towards the top of the screens. Then turn on your force field to detonate the bombs hanging from the ceiling. Run and jump towards the platform below you.

Throw your telereceiver (anywhere, but not onto the lift), so that you can teleport back later on. The elevator carries you to the next screen. On the right you see a closed door. Activate the switch to turn off the laser gun. Climb up and walk to the left. Below, you see a switch and an alien who’s moving around. Jump the gap, continue, move down and reload your shield. Then return to the gap. Climb down and activate the switch. The closed door you saw before opens. As you don’t have room for manoeuvring out there, you should hurry to get out of there. Climb onto the top ledge and jump the gap on your left. Now that you have reached the long ledge, you finally can defend yourself. Use the roll/shoot technique to get rid of the monster. Please note that the alien may climb out of the gap and confront you on the platform. (alternative: Activate the switch, use the telecontrol to teleport back to the receiver and move up and to the left again. In that case you confront another alien at the location where you are teleported to. Kill it and take the key). Move to the left, take the elevator down, walk to the right and recharge your shield. Use the telecontrol to teleport to the telereceiver. Kill the alien that has been set free and pick up the key and the telereceiver. Move to the right and insert the key into the key lock to remove the hatch above. Climb up the ledge and take the elevator upwards. Climb up the ledges and save your game.

You face three green hazes. They all die out for a while (the mouse on top activates the hazes). Time your moves and run along the temporarily extinguished deadly green hazes one by one. Take the elevator down. Insert the key into the key lock. Walk towards the bottom left elevator. Take the elevator up. The mines on the central ledge blow up automatically. Now throw your telereceiver into the hole on the right. Use the telecontrol to teleport down.

Draw your gun and kneel down. First kill the alien. Then destroy the auxiliary brain. To kill the brain, you must position yourself on the right of the screen, stand up, shoot, duck down to avoid the enemy fire, stand up, shoot, and so on.

2.7.2 Destroying the master brain

After the auxiliary brain has been destroyed, the hatch in the centre of the screen opens. Move to the extreme left of the screen, turn around and throw the telereceiver into the gap. Use the telecontrol to teleport down.

Now walk to the screen on the ultimate left - restore energy and save your game - and take the elevator down. If required, save your game. Move to the next room on the right. The master brain is hanging from the ceiling in the centre of the screen. Aliens are moving downwards to the bottom of the screen. They require only one shot to be killed but continue to reappear. Kill 2 aliens, climb onto the left ledge, fire at the master brain, jump down, kill 2 aliens, climb onto the right ledge, fire at the master brain. Continue attacking the master brain from both sides until it’s liquidated. The master brain is destroyed as soon as the aliens stop appearing.

2.7.3 Blow up that planet

Trip the sensor in the next room, move back to the lift on your left, go up and recharge your shield. Save your game. Return to the bottom screen and continue to the right.

Move to the right and activate the switch to move down the elevator. Take the elevator to the top ledge. Walk to the right, andmove up with the next elevator. Walk to the left. You step on a hidden sensor. On the top left of the screen an alien appears. Kill the alien and take the key he leaves. Insert the key into the key lock to open the gate. Take the elevator down and move to the right. Kill the 2 aliens, so that the gate opens. Throw your telereceiver past the green haze and use your telecontrol. Walk past the switch.

An inner voice interrupts your thoughts.

    “Trust me son, put the atomic charge here and flee as soon as it reaches the planet’s core.”

Put down the atomic charge and activate the switch again to start the countdown. The charge moves down towards the planet’s core. Run back past the master brain through all the screens you visited before. The extreme left elevator carries you up out of the underground. Now run to the extreme right towards the landing platform. Position yourself on the elevator on the right of the landing gear of the vessel, pull the joystick up and press button 1. The elevator carries you up. You leave the planet.

3 Appendix 1: Howard's diary

437th day
They made me work on a terrible experiment.
I’d rather not talk about the consequences,
I was so frightened by the prospects revealed to me.

519th day
They want to destroy our race!
I must do something to warn Earth!

683rd day
Today I introduced a topic on molecular research into the Titan computer.
I only hope that it will attract someone’s attention.

690th day
The Master Brain! That’s who commands them...
Tomorrow I will try to find out where it is.

720th day
Impossible to get to it.
The master brain is installed inside the planet’s core.
All communication channels have been cut.

830th day
Eureka! An auxiliary brain controls the planet.
The master brain is asleep for the moment.
By destroying it the main brain will have to reactivate itself.
It will open up its communication lines, allowing me to place an atomic charge in the heart of the planet.

900th day
I’ve constructed a bomb powerful enough to set off a chain reaction and make this planet explode.
I just have to find the courage to put my plan into operation.

1200th day
I’ve decided to move tonight.
I’ll have to borrow a vessel from the hangar before everything blows up.
This is my final message.
May Heaven help me...
Philip Howard Clark

4 Appendix 2: Key objects and personalities list

    administration centre
    anti-gravity belt
    atomic charge
    auxiliary brain
    card lock (ID card)
    cartridge lock (cartridge, bridge)
    chief administrator
    employment agency
    empty cartridge
    force field
    forged papers
    gun (lost)
    identity card
    Jack the forger
    man (package)
    man behind the desk (Earth)
    man at metro checkpoint
    master brain
    old man
    Philip Howard Clark
    policeman (outside r. area 10)
    research centre
    restricted area 2
    restricted area 3
    teleporter (wounded man)
    teletransporter (fixed teleporter)
    telereceiver and -control
    terminal card
    visitor (bar)
    woman (employment agency)
    woman (package)
    work permit
    wounded man

Flashback official game guide for the Philips CD-i.
Produced by Philips Interactive Media and recompiled by The Black Moon Project.
All copyrights held by their respective owners.

Copyright © The Black Moon Project 2001 - until my dying breath! No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.
We are not connected to any mentioned company in any way. All patents and trademarks are owned by their respective holders.
Property of the CDinteractive Network, bringing new light to old technology.