Game Title | Publisher | Producer | Date | Genre | Requirements | CD-i Emulator Compatibility |
Defender of the Crown | Philips Media | Philips Interactive Media | 1991 | Action | - | Basic support (title starts but has problems) |

Catalogue Numbers: 310690069-2 (USA)
From the Disc
Most CD-i Games have "Abstract", "Bibliographic" and "Copyright" details on the softwares disc itself, any interesting information in these files can be found below.
Abstract: Defender of the Crown
It is a dark time in the history of England. Your liege, the King, has been assassinated, and the kingdom is in turmoil. You must defeat the Norman oppressors, as well as rival Saxons, to unite all of England under Saxon rule and be crowned the new King. The quest will take you from mighty battles in the open field, to fierce combat inside enemy castle walls.
Experience the rich sound and regal pageantry of a time when average men rose above their peers. With strength, courage, and passion, you too can
join in the mighty crusade and become a Defender of the Crown.
Bibliographic: Defender of the Crown CD-I
CD-I Programming: Ken Jordan
Original Programming: Robert J. Mical
Score Composed by: Jim Cuomo
Original Artwork: James Sachs
Additional Artwork: Bradley Parker and Robin Hart
Technical Direction: David Todd
Executive Producer: Sarina Simon
Producer: Robert Weaver
Assistant Producer: David White
CD-I Design and Direction: David Riordan
Technical Assistant: Greg A. L. Hemsath
Original Executive Producers: Robert & Phyllis Jacob
Original Design: Kellyn Beck
Copyright: Copyright (c) 1991 American Interactive Media, Inc.
CD-i Emulator Compatibility: This section covers crucial details concerning performance of this specific game under emulation through CD-i Emulator. It will state the CD-i Player Rom used during the test, what version of CD-i Emulator was used, which program the Disc Image was created from, specifications of the test PC and also provide screenshots of the emulator in action. Also included is an account of the test and most importantly if the game is playable through CD-i Emulator. Rather than an exhaustive list of tests with various ROMS and different PC rigs it's hoped that this section gives some insight into the progress of CD-i Emulator. For the most recent updates to CD-i Emulator and compatibility it's suggested you visit the CD-i Emulator Homepage.
CD-i Player ROM: CD-i 350
CD-i Emulator Version: 0.5.2
CD-i Disc Image created using: Golden Hawk Technology CDRWIN 4.0A
Operating System: Windows XP Professional
Processor (CPU): 3.2GHZ Intel Pentium 4 HT
Memory: 2GIG
Graphics Card: 256MB ATI 9800XT
Graphics Depth: 32BIT
Sound Card: Sound Blaster Platinum Audigy 2 ZS
Details of Tests: Some minor sound glitches play when the American Interactive Media bumper plays and you must press an action button to progress before it hangs. The games title music begins to play but then Blue Screens after a few seconds.
Release Information & The Rumour Mill
European Release: Typical of early CD-i releases within Europe the game was distributed in an elongated CD jewel case.